Welcome to ScottSeverance.us
Welcome to my website. Here you will find various stuff I’ve produced over the years. Enjoy!—Scott Severance
Most Popular
Time Calculator—This is the most popular page on my website. It’s an easy-to-use time calculator, just as the name implies.
- Christianity: Here are some Christianity papers that I've written. Featured: “Rhythm in the Church.”
- Computing: I’ve produced various computer-related resources in a variety of subjects. Featured: Silent Countdown Timer.
- Music: Featured: “The Story of Jesus,” a choral Christmas program. Other stuff: The most up-to-date parts of this section are resources for people doing music with me in person. For this reason, they aren't indexed by search engines and are intentionally a bit hard to find. In addition, there are a couple songs I’ve written and there’s an old research paper here.
- Other stuff: Evaluation of The Cure for All Cancers