The Battle


Series: Fundamental Beliefs

Title: 11. The Battle Belief 11: Growing in Christ (?)


  • 2007-05-26: Linden
  • 2007-06-02: Atlanta


  1. 518: “Standing on the Promises”
  2. 614: “Sound the Battle Cry”
  3. 616: “Soldiers of Christ, Arise”

Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-18

  1. Introduction
  2. Jesus’ death was victory
    1. Colossians 2:15—Jesus’ death on the cross was total victory over Satan
    2. Romans 8:1, 2—Those who are saved are set free from sin
  3. Once we accept salvation, we’re called to a new life
    1. John 3:5; Ephesians 1:14—Guided by the Holy Spirit
    2. Matthew 22:37-40—Controlled by love
    3. Ephesians 6:10-18—The armor of God
      1. Belt of truth
        1. John 14:6—Jesus is the truth
        2. There are lots of falsehoods around; the only way to avoid deception is to hold to the truth
      2. Breastplate of righteousness
        1. 1 John 2:3-6—we need to walk as Jesus did
      3. Readiness that comes from the gospel of peace
        1. The Gospel brings peace
        2. When we have Jesus’ peace, we’re ready to follow wherever He leads, and go through whatever we must
      4. Shield of faith
        1. Hebrews 11—The great people of the Bible did what they did through faith
        2. We can’t defeat the devil on our own; we must have faith that Jesus means what He promised and that He has defeated Satan
      5. Helmet of salvation
        1. The martyrs were able to stand because they knew that they were saved
      6. The sword of the Spirit—the Bible
        1. The way to know truth
        2. The way to know God’s promises
      7. Pray constantly
    4. Matthew 7:20—Bearing fruit